The OD Green Endura

Several days ago, I received my OD green-handled Syderco Endura. Lately, I’ve been carrying one of my Enduras instead of my Gerber Applegate or Benchmade Stryker. The Endura has an adequate blade length and is cheap enough (in price, not quality) that I won’t cry too much if I lose one, but more on losing knives later. My only complaint about the OD green model is the shade of green is a little to light for my taste. My other OD green-handled knives perfectly match my woodland camouflage pants and they all but disappear when clipped to my pocket.

Speaking of disappearing, I had a bit of a crisis today. I lost my black-handled, plain-edged Endura. Losing these knives when they’re clipped to a pocket is nearly impossible, however I managed to do it. While I have another Endura or two, my plain-edged model is a bit special because I have a plain-edged Delica as its mate. With the two of them together I have a bit of a Miyamoto Musashi (The Book of Five Rings) thing going.
But looking at the bright side, losing one knife means I have room for more.