Sunday, August 08, 2010

Reunited With My Beretta Tanto Folder after Seven Years

I’ve recently found my Beretta Tanto folder. As the title of the blog states, she was lost to me for nearly, if not more than seven years.

It was probably in the late 90’s or early 00’s when I attended a Beretta armorer course. During the course I ordered two Beretta Tanto folders. One was all stainless and her sister was all black. The girls sported 4” long, semi-serrated blades.

I looked online for information about the steel used for the blades and one site said the steel used is AUS-08.

The same thing that makes the Beretta sisters cool=looking also makes them to not the best choice for a defense knife. The folders are all metal and using it in a defense situation can be difficult to hold on to if perspiration and blood gets onto it.

To remedy this, I put safety tape on the handle.

I carried the black Beretta at work. She’s relatively thin and fits in my pocket with very little bulk. Perhaps too little bulk, when she fell out my pocket all those years ago, I didn’t feel it and didn’t miss her until I got home. I don’t remember the exact time and date when I lost it (The knife that is).

Several weeks ago, I noticed a familiar knife clipped inside one of my co-worker’s pockets. Generally, a Beretta folder isn’t a knife commonly seen.

I asked to look at it and saw it was a Beretta with the familiar safety tape cut into the same pattern I had on my Beretta.

He told me the story of how he came to possess the Beretta.

She was found in the workplace parking lot. Whoever found her took her to one of the supervisors, who placed her in his lost and found drawer until someone asked for her.

Silly me, I assumed if a knife was found I would be the first person someone would try to return it to, which has happened several times in the past.

She remained in the drawer for several years until the supervisor retired. She stayed there for several more years until another supervisor got tired of looking at it and kept her for his own for another several years until the day I noticed her in his pocket.

He let me have her back, and I gave him a Benchmade folder as a replacement.
The Beretta tanto is not one of my most high-quality knives but her stainless steel sister (and me) did miss her.

Now the only other knives I need to be reunited with are my Buck 110 W/Flicket, my Benchmade CQ7, and my foliage green Spyderco Endura.


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